Hi I'm Sarah Vizer. I'm all about sustainable performance and my aim is to support your current and emerging leaders feel and operate at their best.
This is offered through a range of services:
- Coaching / Mentoring to provide development and COACHING ON-DEMAND
- Workshops provide proactive UP-SKILLING OF LEADERS.
- Signature Program - Stronger Foundations offers evidence-based SOLUTIONS FOR YOUR TOP PROFESSIONALS that need more support when experiencing high stress and burnout.
Find out information about...
- Brochure with details of corporate solutions on offer
- The case for change - why burnout has become such a big problem in our workplaces
- eBook outlining the process to recover from burnout and
- Information about Sarah Vizer, the creator of Beyond Burnout.
Feel free to contact me for questions and to sign up at sarah@sarahvizer.com or on 0432 510 132.
To your success,
Sarah Vizer