Stronger Foundations, my signature Program, helps you understand stress and burnout and how it has affected your life to date. From here we examine the root causes that leads to stress and burnout and end with a powerful vision for life, along with a practical plan on how to sustainably move forward.
Stronger Foundations provides value for anyone who wants to build life and career sustainability. By the end you’ll have those stronger foundations in place, discovering a new energy for life.
Check out the Brochure to see the full details of what is covered across the 6 modules.
To your success,
Sarah Vizer
Including an Introduction recording and Assessments 1 & 2.
Welcome to Module 1 - The Biology of Burnout
Our first module is all about understanding burnout from multiple aspects, including burnout origins and how the body responds to stress.
First you will have completed Assessment 3, identifying your values, which will then be used in Module 2 - Your Burnout Story.
Module 2 maps a timeline of your life, looking for clues from where your burnout developed. We’ll uncover what lessons to take from your past to stop burnout becoming a reoccurring theme in your future.
Module 3 has a singular focus - all about Burnout in the Workplace.
This module is all about understanding those factors that cause and contribute to burnout in both your job and the workplace. We can then start looking at the short-term and longer-term mitigations, all in the name of helping future proof your career.
Completing Assessment 4 - Your Team, which then supports Module 4 - Energy for Life.
This module is all about bringing SUSTAINABILITY into your life. Using the golden rule of energy, we’ll look at how to get more of what lights up your life as well as building your dream team around you.
Module 5 is all about your lifestyle, taking you back to basics.
This module is all about the lifestyle building blocks that stabilise burnout symptoms, accelerate your recovery process and safeguard against returning to burnout.
We start with your Purpose in Assessment 5, develop a plan for how you will Live by Design in our last module, Module 6 and end with Assessment 6 - another look at your Wheel of Life.
Bringing it all together, we'll use all the self-awareness developed to map a way forward, using the principles of intentional design. We'll also benchmark how you might have changed balance and priorities by using the Wheel of Life assessment tool.
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